However, in tough fights, you are better off boarding mid-combat.

When you're confronted with multiple ships at once, your first instinct might be to finish combat first and then board all of them to clean up. If you don't board the ship and choose to destroy it instead, you can only salvage a fraction of the valuables it was carrying.ĭisabled Ships Are Like Floating Health Packs This is the most efficient way to obtain upgrade materials. After boarding the ship and killing some crew members, you take all of the ship's cargo. That means you can bring your ship, the Jackdaw, up alongside it. When you damage an enemy ship enough, it is unable to move or attack. These tips will help you focus your time and resources as efficiently as possible as you sail the seas as Edward Kenway. The game is a lot of fun, but it is also a departure for the series, so it might require a slightly different approach. I've now encountered 2 BF Jackdaw Editions (showing v107 onscreen) with different exe's (causing already some of the cheats not working) and apparently there is also a (more) recent "Chinese" release (introducing CN lang support).Today, Ubisoft released Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, a pirate-themed installment in the juggernaut franchise. As for "edition" naming conventions: it's a guideline, nothing more. Well, my general rule of thumb is: change of exe can/could mean change of code (and thus some~all cheats might no longer work). I'm not really monitoring any topics regularly at the moment!

Ps: if you respond much later in the year, then pm me. And btw: no promises if your game vs is "way back", I will probably not tackle it. So: a) provide me with that info b) upload your game's exe somewhere for me to download. That means: if your version is NOT complying, you'll need to 'explicitly' mention which version you do use then. Anyways: as I stated, made for " v1.07 ~ Uplay". ^^ Sorry for the late response, but too busy (at times).